Princeton High School
Class of 1966
Hobby Central

Here's a place where — if you have a hobby you enjoy — maybe you'll find another of our classmates who is also interested in the same thing, and have the opportunity to share information, tips, "finds", techniques, etc. with one another. The thought here is for each of us who has some pasttime that we enjoy to post a short note about that hobby so others know about it, too. Then, we can contact one another independently to follow up with more discussion — or even arrange to meet to go to that Star Trek convention together, once you know you won't be laughed at for wearing that Klingon costume hanging in your closet. You can post about one of your hobbies, or give us a long list of all the things you're interested in.

So, post away, gang. A picture can be included, too.  There's all sorts of hobbies out there, and probably as many hobbies as there are people. Hunting, fishing, stamp collecting, music, reading, travel, sewing, board games, photography, cooking, dancing, woodworking, model building, pets, pottery, gunsmithing, gardening, etc.  Chime in, and you may find someone with that missing 1934 rare penny you've been looking for!  When you do, just go to the Classmates tab (at left), find that person and click the link to send that person an email. 

And, the point of this is that it's not just for the person making the posting — it's for someone else among us that is also interested in that hobby and now knows who to contact for more information about it. Share and share alike, your mom said! 

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